Push your limits with us
About Us
The SFARC consists of several members who not only run for exercise and competition in race events, but also for pure enjoyment. Our purpose as an organization is to support and promote running in South Dakota, SW Minnesota, NE Nebraska and NW Iowa.
We want to bring together runners at every level of ability to share in the running experience. Our primary focus at this time is to provide information on race events, group runs, and training. We invite you to become a member of the SFARC by clicking on Membership Application.
Our History
The SFARC has been around a long time, but began officially on February 3, 1998, when members of the former Total Fitness Club held a meeting and adopted the current name. In March it issued its first newsletter with information about a local race and early interest about the Sioux Falls Half Marathon.
In the July/August 1998 Newsletter it was announced that the Club had joined the national organization, Road Runners Club of America, with which it continues to be affiliated. In the September/October Newsletter it stated that "It's official. We have formally incorporated and registered with the South Dakota Secretary of State as non-profit corporation."
Our Board